What We Do ..

Confidential Website

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WAITS is an established charity which has collaborated with and supported women who are experiencing, or have experienced, domestic abuse for 30 years.

WAITS is a specialist in supporting women from Black and Ethnic Minority Communities. We understand the cultural and religious barriers that prevent women escaping domestic abuse. 

We offer 4 key services that provide one-to-one ongoing practical and holistic empowerment and support for women.

WAITS Vision

& Mission ..

Vision: To create a legacy of freedom, empowerment and safety for women and families

Mission: Working collaboratively, equipping women to make positive choices that transforms their futures

Our Main Services

Services overview

We support women, on a one to one basis, to address a range of issues such as welfare benefits, resettlement/housing issues, domestic abuse, isolation, physical and mental health, crime, the fear of crime and much more.

Unlike some other organisations, our services are not time-bound, meaning we are able to offer ongoing support for as long as it is needed.

The Domestic Abuse Service – supporting women in the  Probation Service, or at risk of offending, who have experienced/are currently experiencing domestic abuse.

The Community Integration Project – supporting women who have offended in the past or who are at risk of offending/re-offending in the future.

Women’s Refuge – supporting women who are fleeing from, or who are facing homelessness due to domestic abuse.

Volunteering and Influencing - Supporting women into work, though Employability skills, workshops and Work Placements. Empowering Women to participate in Public Forums, hold consultations and inform Public policy and service provision.

Additional services

These services are aimed at ensuring you receive practical and emotional support to overcome the effect of Domestic abuse 

Referral service - referral to appropriate agencies who specialise in any issues that are outside of our remit. For example, access to Solicitors, Housing providers, restraining and harassment orders Domestic Abuse Freedom program.

Befriending service - WAITS has a dedicated group of befrienders. Sometimes all you will need is a friend to talk to, and this is what our trained befrienders provide.

Counselling service - We have an in-house counsellor, and good links with external counselling service providers.

Workshops - are aimed at building confidence and self-esteem, provide tools to cope and recover from Trauma and assist with mental wellbeing.

If you need help or support, please contact us

All details submitted to us are held in the strictest confidence, and are only shared with any third parties in certain circumstances. See our privacy policies here

Contact WAITS

The Values

of WAITS ..

Women-centred: We are client focussed

Accountable: We empower staff,

We respect and value the diversity of people in our communities


We treat people with dignity and respect

We are committed to fair access to services and employment for all


We act with integrity and honesty

We are transparent and open on the conduct of our charity

We preserve the privacy and confidentiality of our clients


We deliver holistic, quality services that provide value for money

We are innovative, using creative solutions to meet challenges

Crunching The Numbers (2023-24)




Refuge Support



146 hrs


115 hrs

Befriending Support

421 calls


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