source: WAITS Team
published: 13 December 2020
Image Credit : WAITS
A Thank you to the 80 participants of our sponsored walk which took place on 23rd October 2020, to the men who took up the challenge, and finally to our sponsors Lloyds Banking Group.
The walks took place in gardens, offices and on the streets. We were bowled over with the ingenious ways the mile walk was completed. Your valiant efforts to don women shoes and walk a mile raised £2,770.00 which will be used to furnish a new refuge for women escaping domestic abuse.
WAITS is an established charity which has worked with women for over 20 years. We offer 3 key services which aim to support women to achieve their goals, feel empowered and gain independence.
“Women with the power to make and influence decisions and make positive change”
We support women, on a one-to-one basis, to address issues such as welfare benefits, resettlement/housing issues, domestic abuse, isolation, physical and mental health, crime, the fear of crime and much more.
Unlike some other organisations, we are not time-bound, meaning we are able to offer ongoing support for as long as it is needed.
The Covid pandemic brought difficulties for all of us. Women living through lockdown often needed a safe place to escape to, where they could live free from violence and abuse.
During the pandemic WAITS had seen an increase in women to our charity in need of safe and confidential accommodation. Women were made homeless as an alternative to living in fear and danger.
We had assisted one young women who reached out to WAITS through our website to let us know what was happening to her.
It took a few days for her to build up her confidence to tell us her fear of being forced into marriage, and the financial abuse she suffered at the hands of her parents.
We arranged for the police to removed her to safety, and ensured she was signposted to agencies that would support her recovery journey.
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