Our key services and support tailored for women!
We accept both agency and self-referrals!
People just like you are making a difference!
Answering most common types of enquiries!
Make a pledge today. Every little helps a lot!
We offer four core services which aim to support women to achieve their goals, feel empowered and to assist in gaining independence.
“Women with the power to make and influence decisions and make positive change”
WAITS works with other agencies to provide holistic support, ensuring that all of the individual’s needs are met. We also directly support women with the core services that we offer.
If you are in immediate danger, please call 999.
For 24hr help please contact Refuge on 0808 2000 247.
Over the 30 years of existence, WAITS goal has been to empower women, to give women a voice. WAITS supports any woman in need, however we have an added specialism in supporting women from Black, Chinese, South Asian and minority backgrounds.
Using the button (right) will take you to a web page listing any current vacancies.
"We look forward to hearing from you"
We support women who have previously, or are currently experiencing, domestic abuse.
We provide emergency accommodation for women, aged 21+ affected by domestic abuse.
Refuge Support
Befriending Support
All details submitted to us are held in the strictest confidence, and are only shared with any third parties in certain circumstances.
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WAITS staff & trustees
Our team is made up of a dedicated and committed team of women from varied backgrounds that share our common Vision & Mission.
This includes full-time, part-time and sessional staff as well as our volunteers and the Board of Trustees.
We also work with a range of other agencies to provide holistic support, ensuring that all of the individual’s needs are met.
A valued fundraiser team
WAITS Ambassadors are a group of innovative and forward thinking people, diverse in their backgrounds, experiences and skills.
But the one thing they do all have very much in common is a passion for helping women who are in crisis!
They provide invaluable fundraising ideas; and then plan, organise and facilitate these ideas, helping us to raise funds to support women in crisis.
Making it all possible
WAITS receives sponsorship and support from a variety of sources and just some of them are featured on this page.
We have also been recipients of awards for good practice and engagement and some of these will be listed on this page.
WAITS has worked with women for almost 30 years. “Women with the power to make and influence decisions and make positive change”
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Contact Us
Wesleyan Building
3rd Floor East
Colmore Circus
We have taken all steps within our means to ensure that this website broadly complies with W3C standards and with The Equality Act ensuring that people with disabilities will be able to use the site and have the same access to its content and resources as any other visitors.
Some Rights Reserved : Website Developed & Managed by First Stop Web Design : WAITS is a Registered Charity number: 1135026 / Company Number: 07155976